• A Salary Gap event occurs when an insured is rehired at a lower salary or wage after an involuntary unemployment period
You Can Choose to Offer:
Disability only
Disability and Involuntary Unemployment
Disability and SALARYGAP®
Disability, SALARYGAP®, and Involuntary Unemployment
How do I offer
1. Contact us to set up an appointment for you to learn from our Wage Protector® experts. We will walk through the benefits, eligibility and exclusions, and answer your questions.
Select the package of benefits, the amount of benefits you would like to offer, and how you’d like the benefits to be paid out (monthly or one-time lump sum). Unsure of what to offer, don’t worry, our Wage Protector® experts will be there to help you develop a package that works best for your audience.
2. Determine how you’d like workers to learn about the product and enroll.
• For employees you can include this with your annual employee benefit selection process.
• Customers, Employees or Members can automatically enroll. You can also use all marketing channels to promote and sell Wage Protector®.
• Unsure of how, don’t worry, our Wage Protector® experts will be there along the way to help you develop a promotion plan that works best for your audience.